Bikini meaning in russian

Bikini meaning in russian

This article’s lead section does not adequately summarize key points of its contents. Marshall Islands that bikini meaning in russian the site of 23 nuclear tests during the 1940s and 1950s. The atoll consists of 23 islands totalling 3.

The island’s English name is derived from the German colonial name Bikini given to the atoll when it was part of German New Guinea. Pik” meaning “surface” and “Ni” meaning “coconut”, or surface of coconuts. A woman named Liijabor from Likiep Island, Likiep Atoll in the Marshall Islands, wears a traditional nieded or clothing mat, c. Before the advent of Western influence, the Bikini islanders’ sustenance-based lifestyle was based on cultivating native plants and eating shellfish and fish. They were skilled boat-builders and navigators, sailing the two-hulled proa to and from islets around the Bikini and other atolls in the Marshall Islands. Japan occupied the islands starting in 1914. Some of the leaders maintained Asian-style bungalows and maintained servants, including secretaries, maids, and valets.

The islanders worked the copra plantations under the watchful eye of the Japanese, who took a portion of the sales. 20,000 per year, and the remainder was distributed to the workers. The Marshall islanders took pride in extending hospitality to one another, even distant relatives. In 1919, a visitor reported that Marshall Islands women “are perfect models of prudery.

Not one would think of exposing her ankles. Women in the Marshall Islands today are still very modest. They believe that a woman’s thighs and shoulders should be covered. Marshall island women swim in muʻumuʻus which are made of a fine polyester that quickly dries. In the capital of Majuro, revealing cocktail dresses are inappropriate for both islanders and guests. With the increasing influence of Western media, the younger generation wears shorts, though the older generation equates shorts with loose morals.

The Bikini islanders continue to maintain land rights as the primary measure of wealth. To all Marshallese, land is gold. If you were an owner of land, you would be held up as a very important figure in our society. Without land you would be viewed as a person of no consequence But land here on Bikini is now poison land. The Iroij control land tenure, resource use and distribution, and settle disputes. The Alap supervise land maintenance and daily activities. The Dri-jerbal work the land including farming, cleaning, and construction.

The Marshallese society is matrilineal and land is passed down from generation to generation through the mother. Land ownership ties families together into clans. Grandparents, parents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, and cousins form extended, close-knit family groups. Gatherings tend to become big events. Payments made in the 20th century as reparations for damage to the Bikini Atoll and the islanders’ way of life have elevated their income relative to other Marshall Island residents. It has caused some Bikini islanders to become economically dependent on the payments from the trust fund.

This dependency has eroded individuals’ interest in traditional economic pursuits like taro and copra production. The move also altered traditional patterns of social alliance and political organization. Before the residents were relocated, they were led by a local chief and under the nominal control of the Paramount Chief of the Marshall Islands. Afterward, they had greater interaction with representatives of the trust fund and the U. Most Marshallese speak both the Marshallese language and at least some English. One important word in Marshallese is “yokwe” which is similar to the Hawaiian “aloha” and means “hello”, “goodbye” and “love”.