Bikini russian festivals

Bikini russian festivals

News Corp is a network bikini russian festivals leading companies in the worlds of diversified media, news, education, and information services. RUSSIA marked the end of the ski season with a record-breaking BIKINI ski festival at Siberia’s top winter resort, Sheregesh.

A colourful bikini-clad reveller sets off two smoke sticks as she slides with hundreds of others The colourful spectacle attracted enthusiasts from the US, Europe and China along with participants from across Russia’s 11 time zones. 8,000 prize as winner of the Miss Sheregesh contest. The oldest person to compete in his swimwear was 73 year old pensioner Eduard Nefedev. More people have taken part in previous years – up to 1,800 – but they were not counted as an official record attempt.

The weekend snow show was approved by Russian record officials, reported The Siberian Times. Stanislav Konenko, editor-in-chief of the Russian Book of Records, confirmed: “This year’s bikini ride had 1,498 skiers and snow boarders – this is 387 more than in 2014. So we have officially registered the new record for Russia. Two pals pose during the bikini ski festival in Russia Sheregesh, in Kemerovo region, is Siberia’s most developed downhill skiing resort, located in the Gornaia Shoria region of the Altai mountain range. Originally constructed as a mining settlement, in Stalinist times there was a local Gulag nearby.