Bikini wax for brides

Bikini wax for brides

Beware of these common beauty don’ts leading up to your day. Going overboard on red wine, chocolate or super-dark foods bikini wax for brides berries. And to keep your smile extra white, invest in a professional teeth-whitening service.

If you’re on a tighter budget, Crest Whitestrips are as close to magic as over-the-counter products get. For the best results, start any whitening regime about one month before your day. Not only are you putting yourself at risk of skin damage, but getting too dark a tan can actually look unnatural in wedding photos—especially if it’s a sunburn or a spray tan gone wrong. Anything more and you’ll be that orange bride in a white wedding dress. Getting your first-ever bikini wax just before the wedding. If you plan to wax your bikini line, begin the process at least three months before the wedding.

The thing about waxing such a sensitive area is it becomes less painful everytime you go—but the first time could result in pain, irritation and discomfort that you don’t want sneaking up on you on your wedding day. You could be absolutely fine, but it’s not worth the risk. Sure, that fabric softener might be on sale, but that new rash you get from it is not worth the deal. Introducing new products or altering your medication could lead to unexpected reactions.