Russia bikini bodybuilding

Russia bikini bodybuilding

Nataliya is making quite the name for herself in the russia bikini bodybuilding of fitness. The 26-year-old weighs over 220 lbs, mostly in muscle.

She puts even the biggest male bodybuilders to shame with her massive biceps, triceps, abs and legs. Literally, every part of this woman is pure muscle! She is making gym-goers everywhere look like weaklings. Nataliya was always an athletic child and enjoyed combat sports even at a very young age.

At the time she was only fourteen, she weighed 88 lbs. She was sick of being called skinny and scrawny all of the time, and she decided that she wanted to gain more muscle so she started hitting the gym. Only two years later, she became a pro-powerlifter and won the title of Zabaikayle Region Champion. The bodybuilder is definitely far from scrawny nowadays. Standing at 5 ft 5 in, her body consists of almost entirely pure muscle. It is truly shocking just how big she is.

Her arms measure around at 18. 5 inches, and her legs measure a circumference of 28. Not only is she humungous, she is able to deadlift 529 lbs and bench press 374 lbs. Just a few months after I started exercising, I performed at regional competitions and I liked it very much. I became an absolute champion of Zabaikayle Region when I was sixteen. It seems like Nataliya was just a natural from the start.

The 26-year-old has dedicated her life to this sport. She is constantly competing in championships and always aiming to get better and better. At such a young age, she is already breaking world records. Just last year, Nataliya became the world arm lifting champion and world bench press champion.