Russian bikini fashion

Russian bikini fashion

Russia is the world’s largest nation bordering European russian bikini fashion Asian countries. Moscow is the capital city with a population of 143. Russian Federation, structured with multi party democracy and the president as the head of state.

Fashion models from Russia are the most admirable and sexy with numerous features around the world. Since ages they have topped the league and the trend still on, with their perfect shapes, chiseled body and beautiful looks. Natalia entered into fashion world at the age of fifteen, and joined Paris runways at just 17 years. Born in the year 1982 was nicknamed Supernova. A philanthropist and occasional film actress is the most top earning models the founder of the Naked Heart Foundation a philanthropic organisation. Aleksandra Igorevna Pivovarova known as Sasha Pivovarova, born January 21, 1985 is a Russian model and actress.