Russian bodybuilding bikini

Russian bodybuilding bikini

Fitness-related posts are the lifeblood of Russian bodybuilding bikini. I figured it was time to give a shoutout to some of these babes of Instagram. I have arranged these beauties by country so there is no dispute about who is hottest.

So, without further adieu, here are 15 of the best-looking female fitness models on Instagram. 2018 UPDATE: Stop lusting over the past bro. In the last 3 years some seriously hot fitness models have appeared. Probably the most famous girl on this list is Michelle Lewin. This bombshell has millions of Instagram followers and has even posed for Playboy. Coming straight out of my last fantasy, this Russian hottie is a sight to behold. This bodybuilding bombshell has a rare mix of total sexiness and complete femininity.

How would you like to spot her on the squat rack? She is a former girlfriend of UFC fighter Travis Browne and is very comfortable with showing lots of skin. I don’t know why Travis cheated on her, but he made a HUGE mistake. Jenna, contact me if you want a real man who won’t cheat on you. The legs on this chick are one for the ages. The thigh-gap with the thin hips and a beautiful butt make this babe a straight 10. Wrap your legs around me, please.