Russian flag bikini

Russian flag bikini

Woman in bikini over russian flag. Girl in bikini on a yacht with the Russian flag. The Russian flag is a white, blue and red tricolour. The current version was formally adopted as the flag of Russia on 11 December 1993, but variants of the russian flag bikini had been in use as the Russian state flag since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.

The tricolor was previously used as the flag of the Russian Empire. It was adopted by Peter the Great in 1696 and remained in use until the Russian Revolution of 1917. Soviet flags in use from 1917 until the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 comprised a hammer and sickle design over a red background. During the Soviet era the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, as one of the fifteen Soviet republics, used the red Soviet flag with a blue bar along its near side. Use of the Russian flag was, until recently, restricted to official occasions but, since 2014, Russians have been able to use the flag when they wish to demonstrate their patriotism.

What does the Russian flag look like? Russia’s flag is a tricolor flag in a 2:3 ratio. It is divided into three horizontal bars of equal height. The top bar is white, the middle bar is blue, and the bottom bar is red.

When was the Russian flag used? The Russian tricolor flag was first introduced in 1696, during the reign of Peter the Great. It was first used as the naval ensign of the Russian fleet, before being adopted as the merchant flag in 1705. Many believe that the Dutch flag of the time was used as the template for the Russian tricolor. It is also because David Butler, the captain of Russia’s first naval ship the Oryol, was Dutch.